Little Bukit Farm
We have three different chicken families at Little Bukit Farm: Wyandott, Suxess, and Silkies. All of them have a spacious coop for the night, with limited numbers of room mates, and they enjoy a free range life every day.
Our chickens are fed exclusively with veggies and feed grown on our farm, which gives their eggs a unique taste and freshness.
Beside the pleasure of contemplating our duck family gracefully swimming on our pond, we collect their eggs daily. Duck eggs are well-known to be stronger in flavour than chicken eggs, the whites are creamier and they are more nutritious in both protein and omega-3. Our duck eggs are perfect for baking and desserts.
We don’t eat all our ducks and chicken’s eggs! Allowing our hen’s eggs to hatch naturally is a big part of life at the Little Bukit Coop. We regularly hatch chicks to renew our population and to trade with other farmers in the community.